A trimaran is a comfortable boat at sea, more stable than a catamaran and without the heel of a monohull. Bernard Nivelt, the LEEN’s architect, explains:
"The objective when designing a hull is to obtain good performance with a minimum of power, while maintaining comfort when sailing. That's why I chose a long, narrow center hull. This hull shape, which could generate instability, is corrected by the 2 other floats".

Bernard Nivelt

Controlled energy consumption
Thanks to this design with low hydrodynamic resistance, LEEN trimaran require only reasonably sized engines (a central combustion engine and two electric pods).
"The motorized trimaran allows to have a low motorization for a high speed. We will be able to sail at an average speed of 9 knots, which is already fast, and consume les than 2l per mile. »

Bernard Nivelt