
Engine type

Engine type 4

Our trimaran hybrid trawler yachts are equipped with an innovative, high performance and strong reliable propulsion system. Thanks to the 2 electric motors on the outer hulls, and a central thermal engine on the main hull, the LEEN trimarans have a propulsion adapted to all situations and navigation program.

The diesel engine is the main source of propulsion.

The 2 electric motors are used :

  • Coupled with the diesel engine during port manoeuvres (thus replacing the bow thruster), or
  • As a silent electric engine to move off discreetly, or
  • As a back-up engine when coupled with a generator.

The LEEN-TRIMARANS range permits a 4000 nautical miles autonomy at eco speed and 2500 nautical miles at cruising speed.

At cruising speed, the LEEN 56 consumes less than 2 litres per nautical mile.
